Day 18 Code Berlin Challenge

1 min readJun 7, 2021

I’ll finish the website today (well, everything besides the posts I’ll have to update on the last day) but yeah, anything I can finish today, I will, and after that, back to
In hindsight I’d have liked it to go for learning python instead, but I think basics in web design won’t really hurt anyway — Even though I’m tempted to learn python whilst being on the freecodecamp daily grind, I think mixing them up might not be optimal, maybe I’ll try that tomorrow.

Alright I built the basis of the last tab of the website, now I have to import all the text and make it look decent after that, which is more work than I thought it would be, since I don’t want people to have to download a pdf to scroll through my journal, I choose as a solution to my problem.

For the website I’ll do rough notes on each day, and then provide a medium and twitter link at the bottom for people to get more involved in behind the scenes stuff.
Well to be fair I’ll likely change the challenge tab to something else once I passed the application process.

Decent day, let’s go for some freecodecamp challenges to round it up.

